Free beginner photography challenge for moms

Capture Lasting Memories!

Take Better Photos of Your Kids in 5 Days! It's FREE!

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LIVE Challenge Starts 

Monday, June 7


During This Training You’ll Discover…

  • How to find the best angle to capture photos like a pro! The #1 mistake I see most people make and the super EASY FIX!

  • How to frame a photo to make your subject pop while drawing the attention to the little details you love!

  • How to tell stories with your photos to capture everyday moments!

  • How to find the best lighting any time of day and put a sparkle in your child's eye that will make your photos stand out above the rest!

  • How to get kids to cooperate for photos and draw out natural smiles so that all your friends want to know your secret!

How Does It Work?


For five days, you'll receive a 20-30 minute video tutorial delivered to your inbox explaining and demonstrating the concepts.


Each day, take the newly learned skills and put them into practice with uniquely designed photo challenges.


Share your photos in our private Facebook group. Receive personalized feedback, be inspired, and ask questions.

Look What Past Challenge Participants Have Been Able to Achieve in just 5 Days!!

Before & after photo by Geri Creviston

Photos by Geri Creviston

Before and after photo

Photos by Madeline Wong

Photos by Jackie Hayes Gardner

Your Photography Mentor:

Valerie Schoenfeld

I started my photography journey probably just like you! I found myself trying to capture every moment of my new baby's life with my cell phone! I desperately wanted a fancy camera so that I could take professional quality photos to remember each and every detail! I quickly discovered that it's not as simple as taking the camera out of the box and snapping away. I've spent the past 5 years trying to figure it out and perfect my new passion through YouTube, trial and error, and countless classes. Ever since I figured the whole camera thing out, it's been my mission to empower other moms all over the world to freeze moments in time to document their own stories while capturing images they love!


  • Moms who love taking photos of their kids - moms of all kind are welcomed

  • Phone or DSLR users - any kind of camera can be used because I believe that beautiful photos can be taken on any camera

  • Beginners or enthusiasts who want a refreshed look or perhaps a better understanding of the fundamentals (I'll be sharing some tips I didn't even know until AFTER I started a photography business)

  • Action takers - this challenge requires you to pick up your camera and take photos and is designed in a way for you to have a better understanding of the impact small changes have on your photos

  • Moms who want to take their photos to the next level and get all the pro secrets to beautiful photos - I've had many moms who have wanted to start a business begin their journey with this challenge

  • Moms who are in a photo slump and need some inspiration 


  • Anyone trying to learn how to take landscape photos or any other genre other than portraits

  • Professional photographers - the topics covered in this challenge are the basics (please send an email to [email protected] if you are unsure if this would be benefical)

  • Someone who isn't willing or doesn't have the time to pick their camera up and practice 5 minutes each day - I teach in a way that requires you to take action

Geri's 5 Day Transformation

And YOU Can Do It Too!

Loved By Many

"I'm inspired..."

"I think I’ll use all of the tips this week moving forward but the lighting and telling a story challenges we’re my favorites. Lighting is something I definitely need to keep working on and I’m inspired to take photos from different angles and perspectives. Taking the challenge reminded me that I like taking photos of my kids and sharing them and I’ve decided to make it a hobby. Thank you for offering this week challenge - it was fun!!"


July 2020 Participant

"...creative curiosity going again..."

"What I love about this week is it got my creative curiosity going again! Storytelling was a favorite and I've been practicing with getting different angles that I may not have otherwise. Also, the lighting lesson helped a lot (getting that twinkle in the eye is so much better!). I knew to get down at eye level, but I didn't always do it for my candid everyday photos so it was a good reminder to do it for those too in order to love my photos more. There is so much I'm taking away from this week!!"


January 2021 Participant

"Amazing tips and tricks..."

"I have so enjoyed this whole week!!! I couldn't wait to get home watch the daily lessons and shoot some photos!!! Thank you so much for the amazing tips and tricks!!!"


July 2020 Participant

You Might Be Wondering:

  • What kind of camera do I need?

  • Any camera - even a cell phone will work for this challenge. If you have a DSLR camera, I strongly encourage you to use it!

  • What if I don't know how to use my camera?

  • The focus of this challenge is to learn simple tips you can apply that will dramatically change how you approach taking a photo. You do not need to know how to use any settings and can take all the photos using auto mode. But don't let that fool you because most of the magic with happens with learning to see the world with a creative eye.

  • How will this challenge help me improve my photos if it doesn't cover settings?

  • Using the right camera settings is only one small part of the equation. You can have the camera settings right but if you don't have the right angle, know how to frame the subject, have the right light, or know how to get your child to look let alone smile at the camera, then its not really a great photo is it? If wanting to know how to use the settings on your camera is what you're after then I'd suggest Conquer Your Camera.

  • What if I can't make the live lessons?

  • No worries! The lessons are all recorded and will be available in the Facebook group for a limited time following the live challenge.

  • I just bought a camera. Is this for me?

  • YES! This perfect for you if you just bought a camera. It's all the stuff I wish I would have known right from the beginning. It took me 5+ years to learn some of the things I'll be sharing with you. AND they are all skills that will dramatically change how your photos look so that you can start impressing your family and friends on day 1.

  • I'm not new to photography. Will this help me still?

  • I have a lot of moms who have dabbled in photography go through the challenge and tell me that some of the information has not been new but that they never gave it much thought. I hear overwhelmingly that the challenge has helped them understand WHY its important and therefore know how to apply it. If you are not sure, just send me an email and I'd be happy to help you decide: [email protected].

The Schedule

Replays will be available for a limited time.

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